Used products deserve a new life. Recycling and re-use are therefore important areas for attention in the production process.
With the Recycle Factory we offer customers the opportunity to return empty plastic packaging. Where possible we re-use these packaging. If not possible we recycle the old packaging to new packaging that are going to be used by Spectro.
Recycle Boxes
To make the collection of empty packaging more easy, Spectro has developed the Recycle Boxes. These large boxes are made of old, written off, industrial packaging. This way you can collect and ship empty packaging safely.
74% CO2 Reduction
According to our testcase we can reach easily 74% CO2 reduction, despite the extra transportation. Besides that, depending on the amount of empty packaging, we can drive up to 1400 km for recollection.

More information or participate?
You can find more information in our brochure.
The Recycle Factory is meant for customers of Spectro.
If you are interested, please contact us!