When we see opportunities to become more sustainable, we take them. That’s why many of our cleaning products carry the EU Ecolabel. But what exactly is it? When are products eligible? And how rigorous is the selection process? Our CSR coordinator, Maria Rijsdijk, explains.

Maria, can you remind us what the EU Ecolabel is?
“The EU Ecolabel is the official European environmental label for non-food products and services, such as cleaning agents. As the name suggests, it’s recognized across all EU member states, as well as in Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein.”
What does it mean if a product has the EU Ecolabel?
“It means that it meets the strictest sustainability standards. The European Commission regularly updates the criteria, using the latest science and insights. So, you can be sure that a product with the EU Ecolabel has minimal environmental impact, combined with thoroughly tested effectiveness. What’s great about the EU Ecolabel is that it considers the entire product lifecycle: from sourcing raw materials, usage, to the empty packaging. It’s much more than just a label.”
How strict are the requirements?
“Extremely strict, as products are assessed down to the finest details. Take residue tests for instance—many of our products undergo these tests to ensure no more than five percent of liquid remains in an empty container. And there are numerous criteria like this across 24 different product groups.”
So, it’s a serious undertaking!
“Absolutely. It also means we have to provide extensive documentation. Sometimes it’s a bit daunting, especially when missing the label by a fraction of a point. But on the other hand, it motivates us to improve further.”
But we also depend on third parties, like suppliers, don’t we?
“That’s true, which is why we’re always in dialogue—not only with suppliers but also with clients. Sometimes clients already have a cleaning product they want to use. If that product doesn’t have the EU Ecolabel, but we see room for improvement, we make adjustments to make it more sustainable.”
So, is this a case of two heads are better than one?
“Exactly—because it’s together that we make a difference across the supply chain. Another great example: we shred empty packaging ourselves, and our supplier turns the plastic granules into new packaging. Together, we leave a strong mark on sustainability.”
With greenwashing, it’s often unclear which labels really make a difference. What about the EU Ecolabel?
“The EU Ecolabel is aware of the misleading nature of greenwashing. That’s why producers and suppliers are required to register their certified products. You can find them all on the EU Ecolabel website, so you can check for yourself if you’re truly making a sustainable choice. It’s highly transparent and very reliable, which makes us even prouder to carry the label on so many of our products.”
Want to learn more about the EU Ecolabel? Then read more at eu-ecolabel.nl and/or follow the webinar https://www.youtube.com/live/YshyaH1fm0s?si=DCL1aMZp2jszo5bK