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Spectro and The Carwash Renew Partnership

Customers of The Carwash in Oss can once again rely on Spectro’s cleaning products for their car washes. The car wash and the Oss-based cleaning products manufacturer have renewed their partnership, prioritizing optimal wash results.

The collaboration between Spectro and The Carwash is not new. Until the fall of 2023, Spectro was even the main supplier of cleaning products for the car wash. Although The Carwash owner Tom Muskens was very satisfied with the partnership, he ended it at that time. He explains why.

“In September, an elderly man drove at full speed through our car wash. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the material damage was enormous. Since the old machine was impossible to repair, we had a new machine built. At the same time, we came into contact with a producer of cleaning products and water treatment products based on proteins. His story and promises sounded very interesting.”

Minor Issues

However, in practice, the transition did not work out well. According to Muskens, some minor issues arose after a while. At the start of our collaboration, our groundwater was tested, which should have been treatable. In practice, however, this proved to be too difficult. This also affected the wash results, which were disappointing.
“At The Carwash, we set the bar high,” says Muskens. “The wash results must be good. When we saw that we could no longer guarantee our high quality, we put our heads together. Precisely at that moment, we received a call from Spectro.”

Wash Quality

On the line was Laurens Metternich, CEO of Spectro. He had visited The Carwash and expressed his concerns about the wash quality. “We know Tom as someone who always strives for the best,” says Metternich. “But we no longer saw that in the car wash. Because we always had such a pleasant collaboration, I thought it would be good to discuss whether we could renew the partnership.”

Collaborative Entrepreneurship

Muskens also thought it was a good idea. Shortly thereafter, the Oss entrepreneurs reached an agreement: Spectro immediately became the main supplier of cleaning products for The Carwash again. “It feels good to be back,” says Muskens. “We see that our new machine now works really well with Spectro’s cleaning products. In hindsight, it might have been better not to leave at all, but that’s how things sometimes go. From now on, we are looking ahead. With a reliable partner ‘around the corner,’ who also conducts business with a strong focus on sustainability and quality.”
Metternich: “We are also pleased with the renewed collaboration. Not only because we can supply our products again and thereby improve the wash quality. But also because The Carwash is the ideal partner for us to test new products. We love to engage in collaborative entrepreneurship, preferably with other Oss-based companies. The combination of The Carwash and Spectro is a perfect example of that.”