COVID-19 is a strain of coronavirus first identified in Wuhan City, China. Most patents have fever and respiratory complaints, The World Health Organisation (WHO) has decleared the outbreak to an international risk for the public health (PHEIC Public Health Emergency of International Concern -status. This factsheet will give important information about hygiene.
High demand
Spectro has an increased demand for (hand)disinfectants since January and extreme demand in Februari until June. Since July the demand stabilized and delivery times are back to normal. Several packaging are available from stock.
Hospital or urgent health care provider?
Spectro works with distributors in various sectors, among which the health care sector. Are you a hospital or urgent health care provider and are you without (hand) disinfectant? Please contact us, we will investigate the possibilities.
Efficacy against Corona virus
Per 14 March 2020, Spectro has received permission from the Ministry of Health, wellbeing and sports (VMS) and Infrastructure and Water Management (I&W), to claim the efficacy for Ethades & Ethades+ against Corona viruses. These products are effective when used on clean hands for a minimum of 60 seconds. Only for professional use. More info at CTGB. Recently Ethades has also been tested according to EN14476 on ‘enveloped viruses’ such as Coronavirus. You can find the complete report here. We are working on adding this to our registrations.
Important products
Our hand disinfectants are registered in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Below you can find a selection, contact us for more information.

100 ml Ethades+
Ready to use, thickened disinfectant based on alcohol (ethanol) for disinfection of the hands.
Directions for use:
Apply on clean and dry hands. Apply 3 ml Ethades on the hands. Thoroughly rub the hands for 30 seconds. The fingertips, thumbs, areas between the fingers and wrist must also we thoroughly rubbed with the product. Make sure the hands will be moist during the full exposure time of 30 seconds. Afterwards thoroughly dry the hand.
100×100 ml PET with flip top cap.

100 ml Ethades
A ready for use disinfectant based on alcohol (ethanol) for disinfecting small surfaces and hands.
Use for disinfecting hands: Apply on clean and dry hands. Apply 3 ml Ethades on the hands. Thoroughly rub the hands for 30 seconds. The fingertips, thumbs, areas between the fingers and wrist must also we thoroughly rubbed with the product. Make sure the hands will be moist during the full exposure time of 30 seconds. Afterwards thoroughly dry the hand. Minimal exposure time: 30 seconds.
Use for disinfecting small surfaces: Apply the product undiluted on the surface. Remove enough liquid (40 – 50 ml product per m²) so that the surface remains moist during the full exposure time. Minimal exposure time: 30 seconds.
15×100 ml PET transparant with sprayer

500 ml Ethades+
Ready to use, thickened disinfectant based on alcohol (ethanol) for disinfection of the hands.
Directions for use:
Apply on clean and dry hands. Apply 3 ml Ethades on the hands. Thoroughly rub the hands for 30 seconds. The fingertips, thumbs, areas between the fingers and wrist must also we thoroughly rubbed with the product. Make sure the hands will be moist during the full exposure time of 30 seconds. Afterwards thoroughly dry the hand.
12×500 ml PET with dispenser

500 ml Ethades+ Euro Bottle
Ready to use, thickened disinfectant based on alcohol (ethanol) for disinfection of the hands.
Directions for use:
Apply on clean and dry hands. Apply 3 ml Ethades on the hands. Thoroughly rub the hands for 30 seconds. The fingertips, thumbs, areas between the fingers and wrist must also we thoroughly rubbed with the product. Make sure the hands will be moist during the full exposure time of 30 seconds. Afterwards thoroughly dry the hand.
12×500 ml Euro Bottle (fits several dispensers including Ophardt elbow dispensers)

1 liter Ethades
A ready for use disinfectant based on alcohol (ethanol) for disinfecting small surfaces and hands.
Use for disinfecting hands: Apply on clean and dry hands. Apply 3 ml Ethades on the hands. Thoroughly rub the hands for 30 seconds. The fingertips, thumbs, areas between the fingers and wrist must also we thoroughly rubbed with the product. Make sure the hands will be moist during the full exposure time of 30 seconds. Afterwards thoroughly dry the hand. Minimal exposure time: 30 seconds.
Use for disinfecting small surfaces: Apply the product undiluted on the surface. Remove enough liquid (40 – 50 ml product per m²) so that the surface remains moist during the full exposure time. Minimal exposure time: 30 seconds.
6×1 liter HDPE with trigger

1 liter Ethades+ Euro Bottle
Ready to use, thickened disinfectant based on alcohol (ethanol) for disinfection of the hands.
Directions for use:
Apply on clean and dry hands. Apply 3 ml Ethades on the hands. Thoroughly rub the hands for 30 seconds. The fingertips, thumbs, areas between the fingers and wrist must also we thoroughly rubbed with the product. Make sure the hands will be moist during the full exposure time of 30 seconds. Afterwards thoroughly dry the hand.
12×1 liter Euro Bottle (fits several dispensers including Ophardt elbow dispensers)

5 liter Ethades
A ready for use disinfectant based on alcohol (ethanol) for disinfecting small surfaces and hands.
Use for disinfecting hands: Apply on clean and dry hands. Apply 3 ml Ethades on the hands. Thoroughly rub the hands for 30 seconds. The fingertips, thumbs, areas between the fingers and wrist must also we thoroughly rubbed with the product. Make sure the hands will be moist during the full exposure time of 30 seconds. Afterwards thoroughly dry the hand. Minimal exposure time: 30 seconds.
Use for disinfecting small surfaces: Apply the product undiluted on the surface. Remove enough liquid (40 – 50 ml product per m²) so that the surface remains moist during the full exposure time. Minimal exposure time: 30 seconds.
2×5 liter can transparant (for refilling dispensers and spray bottles)

5 liter Ethades+
Ready to use, thickened disinfectant based on alcohol (ethanol) for disinfection of the hands.
Directions for use:
Apply on clean and dry hands. Apply 3 ml Ethades on the hands. Thoroughly rub the hands for 30 seconds. The fingertips, thumbs, areas between the fingers and wrist must also we thoroughly rubbed with the product. Make sure the hands will be moist during the full exposure time of 30 seconds. Afterwards thoroughly dry the hand.
2×5 liter can transparant (for refilling dispensers and bottles with dispenser pump)

Concentrated disinfectant used for disinfecting viruses on stables for livestock and nearby premises, pharmaceutical sector, healthcare and food industry.
First clean heavily soiled surfaces with a suitable cleaning agent. In other cases this product can be used as a combined cleaning agent and disinfectant. Dose 30 ml per liter water (40 ml for viruses) and apply solution to the surfaces and materials. Let it work for 5 minutes (30 minutes for viruses). After disinfection, rinse well with clean water.
10 liter can transparant
No longer available:
– 50 ml Ethades+
– 500 ml Ethades
Guidance General public
WHO’s recommendations for the general public to reduce exposure to and transmission of a range of illnesses are as follows:
• Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub (such as Ethades & Ethades+) or soap (such as Hand Soap Eco & Foam Soap Eco) and water;
• When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw tissue away immediately and wash hands;
• Avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough;
• If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care early and share previous travel history with your health care provider;
• When visiting live markets in areas currently experiencing cases of novel coronavirus, avoid direct unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces in contact with animals;
• The consumption of raw or undercooked animal products should be avoided. Raw meat, milk or animal organs should be handled with care, to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked foods, as per good food safety practices.
Guidance Health Care Workers
Health Care Workers (HCW’s) should apply the WHO’s My 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene approach:
1. Before touching a patient;
2. Before any clean or aseptic procedure is performed;
3. After exposure to body fluid;
4. After touching a patient;
5. after touching a patient’s surroundings.
Hand hygiene includes either cleansing hands with an alcohol-based hand rub (such as Ethades & Ethades+) or with soap (such as Hand Soap Eco Soft & Foam Soap Eco Soft) and water;
• Alcohol-based handrubs are preferred if hands are not visibly soiled;
• Wash hands with soap and water when they are visibly soiled.
Sources and links:
Use biocides safely. Before use, read the label and product information.